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Welcome to my blog!!

So a lot of you and i mean A LOT of you asked for it! here it is! BLOG! So to get things started heres a little navigation post!

ALL THINGS FITNESS - search "fitnessblog"

Here you can read about tips, tricks, and motivation on being a better you... not only physically but mentally! working out can not only help you body and endurence but it can also save you from anxiety and stress! remember fitness is ment to make you feel good, not punish yourself!

ALL THINGS RECOVERY - search "recoveryblog"

Here is any tips and motivation along with some insite i give from when i was in recovery! You can read about intakes, meal plans, increasing and how to cope! Not only eating disorder wise but you can also read about helping with depression/anxiety/stress/etc... you can always hit the "CONTACT ME" button up top and shoot me an email if you want personal help. You can also direct me on instagram!

ALL THINGS REVIEWS - search "reviewblog"

So here is all my little opinions and ratings on bars, powders, brands, snacks and yes all those nutbutters im hoarding... #NumberOneNutButterHoarder...

ALL THINGS RECIPES - search "marmarsrecipes" *same as the instagram hashtag!*

And at last... all my recipes of easy and simple sweets along with yummy meals! mostly sweets... sorry... not really but you can find all my versions of brownies, protein cakes, waffles and any other weird things ive come up with right here!! no protein dryness, everything tastes legit and its all super easy! made with common everyday things too!

hope you loves enjoy the blog! i know ill love posting for you guys!

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Who am I? 


Aw sweet of you to wonder that! Read my story in my "My Story" tab up top! Let me sum it up... I'm just a 18 year old girl who recovered from anorexia and found her happiness... i'm building my happy with fittness, fashion and smiling. i lived my whole life waiting for it to end. Until i finally realized theres more to life than hating your self. Anorexia almost killed me on several occasions... But i also realized i am more than anorexia. There is more to life than waiting for death. Recovery opens eyes. I am stronger than before, happier, brighter, and my love for fitness came back.  

A lot of you requested I make a website so here you go! Thank you for all the support over the years. My recovery was successful not only based on my choosing and my familys help... but with all your love, thank you! 



Where it all started...

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