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G-Butter? Or crack... I mean its basically the same... call it what you like. *dont do crack kids, do gbutter, stay in school.*

Annnnnyways! Have you guys heard of G-Butter?! PLEASE HEAR OF IT, YOUR MISSING OUT BIG TIME. Basically its a High Protein spread made with various nuts such as Almonds, Cashews, Pecans and walnuts! And no the texture is not that of regular Nut Butter. Its more paste? Not every sure how to exactly desribe it other than "addicting!" And no joke the macros are RIDICULOUS. Yes each serving is HUGE, 40g servings were talking about here!! Not to mention the flavors!

Yes your reading all that right...

We got Brownie Batter, Cinnamon Bun, Cookie Dough, and Butter Pecan!!

Wanna know what i think? Show time!

Brownie Batter

Alright to start, I can't even call this flavor Gbutter because im Convinced Its actual Brownie Batter... Its tastes more life Brownie Batter than Brownie Batter tastes like Brownie Batter. This is One of my Favorites! It has the perfect Smooth/Crunch action going on too! The Chocolatey flavor stucks out so well, i honestly think of the word velvet! Smooth Perfect flavor right here! 2 tbsp (40g)... 115 calories With 6.7 fat || 4 carbs || 10 protein. THOSE. MACROS.

Cinnamon Bun

I actually had a taste of this flavor when Gbutter First came out! i went through a jar... in a week... but hey dont we all? And lets just say if you blend up a Cinnabon you get this. The cinnamon Flavor sticks out so well in this one! it doesnt get overppowered by the walnuts used in the butter at all! One thing i hate is buying flavored butters that are overpowered by the nuts used! This one does the cinnamon trick! Once again, 2tbsp (40g)... 150 calories with 10.1 fat || 2.4 carb || 7 protein... still not ovER THOSE MACROS.

Butter Pecan

The lable does not lie. Butter. Pecan. I really can say much other than, BUTTER PECAN. The only way to desribe it! Every have breyers butter pecan icecream? That smoother buttery nutty flavor? yes this hits the nail on the head! The pecan flavor is rich and creamy i just wanna bake mini pecan pies with this!!! Hmm sounds pretty tempting... keep and eye out! Shall we look at he macros? 2tbsp (40g)... 130 calories with 8 fat || 4 carbs || 10 protein... Yep with macros like that... those pies sound good right about now!

Cookie Dough

Lasr but DEF not least... my beloved cookie dough. dare i say it? This is my favorite. I mean unless browne batter wants to get in the ring with this flavor and battle it out... Lets go with this being my favorite! This is no joke. strait up. 100%. cookie dough ion every way! and did i mention what my favorite part it? THERE ARE ACTUAL CHOCOLATE CHIPS FLOATING AROUND AND NO THEY DONT MELT LIKE THEY DO IN MOST NUT BUTTERS!! the chocolate chips stay whole Through the whole jar even after stirring it up! The flavor is so sich and once you get a bite of chocolate chips you think your eating actual blended cookies! This flavor is must! Macros time... 157 calories with 9 fat || 5 carbs || 14 protein... HOW ARE YOU EVEN REAL.


So before I'm off to bed, Heres some final thoughts! This Butter is something that should be 100% on your bucket list! You can get it from! They also offer free shipping with a 30$ perchase! I absolutly love Everything about all these flavors! No Sugars Added, Gluten Free, and All Natural these guys know what there doing! Thank you so much to this company for having me try out the flavors! so happy and pleased with them all! definitly giving them the Love!


SEASONAL FLAVOR ALERT! Guys stock up on this one, no joke. This is their seasonal Sugar Cookie flavor and when i say sugar cookie i mean... SUGAR COOKIE. I LOVE THIS ONE! I think its the creaiest of there flavors and you definitly taste the sugar cookie! stock up fast before this ones gone for good!! convinced yet? Need the Macros? Ready? 2tbsp (40g)... 100 calories with 5 Fat || 4 Carbs || 10 protein... THIS. IS. INSANE!


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Aw sweet of you to wonder that! Read my story in my "My Story" tab up top! Let me sum it up... I'm just a 18 year old girl who recovered from anorexia and found her happiness... i'm building my happy with fittness, fashion and smiling. i lived my whole life waiting for it to end. Until i finally realized theres more to life than hating your self. Anorexia almost killed me on several occasions... But i also realized i am more than anorexia. There is more to life than waiting for death. Recovery opens eyes. I am stronger than before, happier, brighter, and my love for fitness came back.  

A lot of you requested I make a website so here you go! Thank you for all the support over the years. My recovery was successful not only based on my choosing and my familys help... but with all your love, thank you! 



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