Protein Banana Bread Batter!
This Recipe is honestly one of the easiet and quickest recipes i know! Nothing complicated, No strange ingredients and yes 100% banana bread flavor! Awsome way to kick start your morning or Perfect for a cozy bed time snack (or any time of they day really!)
What you will need...
-Protein powder, i do reccomend a vegan protein, it mixes extreamly well with the banana! i actually used a brand call Ka'chava Tride who had sent me both a pouch of chocolate and vanilla! Chocolate was BEYOND delicious! They are a tribal super food, whole body meal, help sustain energy, focus, clean muscle, digestive health and yes gluten and lactose free! Check them out, amazing!!
-1 banana, 100-120g should be just enough!
-1-6 tbsp of desired milk, more or less depending on what texture you like! Personally i dont like nut based milk in coffees or lattes, i usually just go with lactose free brands but with this recipe i LOVE vanilla almond milk!
-any additionals, chocolate chips, cocoa, stevia which i dont think is needed! the bananas are sweet enough! i did add jordan's skinny syrups in salted caramel! not for sweetness just for flavor!
What you wanna do first if find yurself either a blender or a hand mixer! yes a hand mixer! Which, side note, is what i used! Start off with your Protein Powder in a bowl or in the blender. Although i did reccomend a vegan protein, ive also used a whey/casein blend or even just casein and they both work! Whey would be a bit on the flatter side unless you want to add 1 tsp xanthan gum which is fiine too! So like i said start off with the powder in a bowl or blender and add 2 tbsp the milk. Now add in the banana, What i do is chop it up into thick slices for easier blending! blend a few times and slowly add more milk, tbsp by tbsp, until you get to that texture you want! THAT SIMPLE! i your using liquid sweetenders or powders just add them in before the banana slices and if you go with chocolate chips or something like that give them a stir in the end, dont worry it wont deflate! You can eat right away or what i love doing is leaving it in the fridge for about 1 hour! Helps the ingredients all tie together!
HINT HINT... this may sound strange but you can also add 2/3 a tsp baking powder for more legit batter flavor!
Some of my Banana Bread Batter creations!

Ka'Chana Tribe Vanilla, salted caramel skinny syrups, Banana Caramel Dippers box by graze on top

Cookie Dough Optimum Nutrition Casein, Chocolate Chips, My chocolate Protein Fudge recipe, and a Chocolate Chip Comeplete Cookie By Lenny and Larry's

Pescience Chocolate Peanutbutter Cup protien, pb2, With a bananas foster Graze box and hershey chocolate syrup

Quest Nutrition Peautbutter protien, Nuts n More Peanut butter with hershey chocolate syrup, pb cup popcorn and reese oreo
So get creative and enjoy loves! tag me on instagram with "marmarsrecipes" so i can see your wonderful creations!