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Laurel's Butter... White Chocolate Pumpkin Pie OBSESSION!

So let me start off by saying at the moment im pretty much in love with these nut butters! Laurel's Butter is 100% on my Top Nut Butters list! Now this is a wonderful company based in Patchouge, New York... NEXT TOWN OVER FROM ME! Crazy haha! I love supporting locally owned businesses especially when ythey 120% desereve it! Now not only are they run by amazing people bbut the flavor of these nut butters are DELICIOUS! With things like Banana Bread, Maple Bacon, Vanilla Espresso, and soooo much more! They even have realised crazy good limited edition flavors! Speaking of Limited Edition flavors... WHITE CHOCOLATE PUMPKIN PIE! yes you heard me! Now i've had a lot of pumpkin flavored nut butters but let me say... THIS was a winner!! I'm Absolutly OBSESSED with this flavor! It has the perfect blend of pumpkin spice with an amazing balance between that and the white chocolate flavor! The texture is also so smooth and creamy! LOOK!

and can you read that? "NO CRAP, JUST NUTS!" Now whats better than that!? There's no preservatives or usless junk that really dont even needed to be added! Its always so hard Finding a healthy and clean nutbutter that tastes so sinful you forget about all the health benefits! thats when you know somethings so delicous! This Nut Butter is perfect for anything!

How about some English Muffins? Toast? or in my case bagels?!

Got some Sweet Potatos? Squash? KABOCHA SQUASH? Laurel's Butter got you covered!

Wanna dip some crisps? Be my guest!

Anyhing and everything!

I acutally think this is one of the few nut butters i would actually eat a jar of with out getting sick of the flavor... I mean i'd probobly get sick... BUT IF I COULD... trust me i would down this jar ASAP! If you wanna see more amazing flavors head on over to the laurels butter insta! Better yet... Click >>HERE<< to be redirected to the Laurel's Butter Website and pick up YOUR flavor today! They absolutly desreve all the love! And a Huge thank you to Laurel's Butter Company for being so good to me! I enjoy every second of working with you! :)

DONT FORGET YOUR PROMO CODES! Use code "marmar10" at check out for a lovely discount because i love you

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Aw sweet of you to wonder that! Read my story in my "My Story" tab up top! Let me sum it up... I'm just a 18 year old girl who recovered from anorexia and found her happiness... i'm building my happy with fittness, fashion and smiling. i lived my whole life waiting for it to end. Until i finally realized theres more to life than hating your self. Anorexia almost killed me on several occasions... But i also realized i am more than anorexia. There is more to life than waiting for death. Recovery opens eyes. I am stronger than before, happier, brighter, and my love for fitness came back.  

A lot of you requested I make a website so here you go! Thank you for all the support over the years. My recovery was successful not only based on my choosing and my familys help... but with all your love, thank you! 



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