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All Things Nutzez!

Well being that im a complete nutbutter addict i'd love to introduce those of you who dont already know of them... to NUTZEZ! They have me HOOKED on all things almond butter! I was always a very peanut butter lover but ever since i teamed up with this AMAZING company! Heres the run down! Healthy fats with wholesome and healthy ingredients, no added sugars or salts and no preservatives! now your probobly wonderng about there taste... 100% DELICIOUS! best almond butter ive ever had... they have crazy good flavors for every kind of taste. protein butters, regular butters, you can even customize yours! and yes you think your sining... but nope they are purely healthy! did i mention a new flavor every month?! YES EVERY MONTH! before i continue with any reviews... just saying... CRUNCHY FRENCH TOAST IS THE BEST NUTBUTTER IVE EVER HAD. EVER.

Crunchy French Toast - ugh just look at it! no joke chunks of whole almonds... thats how pure this butter is! its so spot on with the french toast flavor honestly might as well just throw actual french toast in a food processor with some almonds and call it a day at this point! this one gets a solid 10/10 in my book! you guys need to try this one for sure!

Cocoa Coconut - okay yes those are actual coconut flakes in that cocoa almond butter! im talking huge ones too! i dont even need to say much because the name is litterally so fitting! cocoa + coconut... nuff said. drop dead delicious! 10/10

Pecan Pie - Every wonder what it might taste like to blend a pecan pie? like an actual pecan pie? yes this is what it tastes like! thick and creamy and FULL of pecan flavor! I love how thick this one turns out and when you put it on something warm it turns to soft! i love it on Banana Bread! 10/10

Strawberry Cheese Cake - I LOVE THIS. the strawberry flavor just balances out SO well with the cheesecake! this flavor is definitly one of their most smooth blends! all i want to do is throw it on an actual cheesecake! maybe soon i'll make my lactose free procheesecake which just as delicious! anyways im OBSESSED with this one! def 10/10!

Carob Cookie - do i even need to say much? Creamiest, Smoothest, LOOK AT THE FREAKING BOTTOM?! yes actual carob chunks! this flavor reminds me of sugar cookies actually! maybe even a greek butter cookie! 10/10! they should get bonus points too because no matter how much you stir the carob dosnt melt in like most nutbutters!

Energy - Need a kick? whats better than almond butter to do the trick! normally i'm not a big fan of chia seeds but this Almond Butter texture has made me LOVE them! This on cinnamon rainsin ezekeil bread is such a perfect pick me up for anyone whos looking for a fast delicous and healthy snack! 10/10

Mint Mousse - Mousse? or Almond Butter? dont know down care its delicious! Mint-y Mousse-y perfection! I was expecting it to tasste like a peppermint mocha haha not sure why but it wasnt at all! it tasted like you blended together mint chocolate chip icecream! cant spread that on warm toast but you can sure as hell spread this! 10/10!

yes they all have a 10/10 so far... check back every month for a new review! but really this company is absolutly perfection! the nut butters are on point but in reality how can they not? Even their founder Amanda Zezima is litterally the sweetest person ever! I love supporting compants with amazing people involved! Nutzez definitly desereves all the love in the world! Order yours from Www.Nutzez.Com and check out all there amazing and one of a kind flavors! Code "marshappiness" for a discount! :)

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Aw sweet of you to wonder that! Read my story in my "My Story" tab up top! Let me sum it up... I'm just a 18 year old girl who recovered from anorexia and found her happiness... i'm building my happy with fittness, fashion and smiling. i lived my whole life waiting for it to end. Until i finally realized theres more to life than hating your self. Anorexia almost killed me on several occasions... But i also realized i am more than anorexia. There is more to life than waiting for death. Recovery opens eyes. I am stronger than before, happier, brighter, and my love for fitness came back.  

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