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IIFYM - why and why not!

Many of you obviously know I love my IIFYM way of things! But I do approach it differently, Meaning I don’t see it as "oh let me stay within these certain macros and that’s it" I view it as “Let me hit my macros!” Are there nights were I go way over? Of course! I am only human! Some days I eat my #SlayBowls as a final macro capper and some days I just need something sweet or a well-deserved refeed! One thing I do see if people taking too far to the point of restriction. This is why I wanted to even make this blog post.

IIFYM has been a serious life changer for me because before I battled with anorexia in the past, I was severely orthorexia. I wouldn’t even look at junk! But let me say if you are in recovery… DO NOT DO IT. It only will help you restrict. The whole point of recovery is to build up a healthy relationship with food! Not to look at it by numbers. Once your body is healthy and your mind is out of “eating disorder mode” I truly believe IIFYM helps you. While on the other hand, On Instagram and other websites, I’ve seen people attempting to IIFYM while in recovery, only leading them deeper in an eating disorder! I started IIFYM not only to avoid orthorexia but I also started it 3 months after I was fully recovered and I had begun seeing a personal trainer in the gym! Let me admit though I have also seen amazing recovery stories about IIFYM as well! But in those cases I also have noticed that those people don’t really have a restricting issue. It all really depends on your mentality! If you are in recovery and look at bread or oil and think NO NO NO! Please build up a healthy relationship with food first. You deserve to look at food anxiety free. Don’t listen to the voices whispering to you that things like bread or cookies are going to hurt you or that oils and butters will make you fat! That’s all just false information!

Which brings me to orthorexia! If you ever had suffered from orthorexia, you know the pain! IIFYM has saved me 100% from this! I played around with my macros, ate junk, ate healthy and now I see Food is Food… there is no Difference. Broccoli is broccoli and chocolate is chocolate… Healthy food is food… Junk Food is food! Heck I don’t even call it junk anymore! It’s just food! A Calorie is a Calorie that’s all! It doesn’t matter if you eat a bagel for breakfast and run a mile or if you eat that bagel ten minutes before you go to bed, your body does the same thing… Of Corse before working out you wanna load up on some carbs for faster energy buy the calorie brake down will always just remain the same. #CarbsAfterDark ladies and gents!

One final thing is for all you IIFYM followers! Don’t be afraid to go over the Marcos… yes the dreaded “I WENT OVER MY CARBS” or the “UGH 20 GRAMS OVER FAT!” let me tell you, you are human! You will mess up; no macros will ever be consistently perfect! You can’t imagine how many times I’ve seen people say there so hungry but they already hit there macros! It makes me so sad to hear things like that! If you’re hungry forget the macros, your health should always be ahead of them in the first place! And I’ve also seen the “oh there are no macros on this so I’m not having it…” I eat at work all the time and do I know the EXACT macros? No. Am I still alive? Yes. Macros should always be a rough estimate, not a definite target. I’ve had good and bad macro days but I’ve never just punished myself for them! No amount of self-hate will fix a day of bad macro counting so just move on, it’s a new day and just don’t stress about it! Breathe. Don’t let your life because somethings macros are “too high” or you don’t wanna estimate. Life moves on and don’t let it leave you behind… If you wanna go out with family and friend to an unknown macro place… please go… don’t forget that is always Memories over Macros! Heck someone bakes you a tray of brownies its still memories over macros!

I guess what I am trying to say is that IIFYM is an amazing thing and eye opener to many people, including myself. But I’ve had so many messages from girls and boys with and without eating disorders who I can clearly see are restricters and who have asked me for advice on IIFYM and Flexible dieting… Well my only advice is once you have a healthy relationship and know deep down you will. Not. Restrict… don’t lie to yourself though! That’s when I think you are ready for IIFYM! If you guys have any questions for me or would like any advice I’m honestly an Instagram Direct Message away @marmars_happiness or even if you hit my “contact me” page shoot me an email! Don’t be afraid to ask I would love you help out!

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Who am I? 


Aw sweet of you to wonder that! Read my story in my "My Story" tab up top! Let me sum it up... I'm just a 18 year old girl who recovered from anorexia and found her happiness... i'm building my happy with fittness, fashion and smiling. i lived my whole life waiting for it to end. Until i finally realized theres more to life than hating your self. Anorexia almost killed me on several occasions... But i also realized i am more than anorexia. There is more to life than waiting for death. Recovery opens eyes. I am stronger than before, happier, brighter, and my love for fitness came back.  

A lot of you requested I make a website so here you go! Thank you for all the support over the years. My recovery was successful not only based on my choosing and my familys help... but with all your love, thank you! 



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