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HAVE YOU SEEN THIS?! LUCKY CHARMS FLAVORED WHEY?! Too good to be true? not at all! its the newest flavor of Muscle Sport Lean Whey! Lean Charms!

I've only seen it available in select locations... like Primal Nutrition! No joke they are so great! They hooked me up with The newest flavor and im SO thankful for that! Not only are they absolutly awsome but they also have the BEST prices and most unique products! They beat any competitor pricing! They are located in Phili so if your around there your in luck! Stop by "8114 Roosevelt Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19152"! Not from Phili? NO PROBLEM! They ship! Check out their instagram or facebook for a look inside their store!

For instagram - Click HERE

For Facebook - Click HERE

And yes you can call the store directly! Their number is (215) 613-5693!

and now... the taste test! First as a Shake... then in the Proyo!


So Before the gym or after, either or but in this case it was before, I usually make some short of shake or recently ive been loving meat head coffee ha! But i actually used 1 scoop of this right before to get the full flavor and my verdict? LIQUID. LUCKY. CHARMS! yes its THAT good! and i love the little marshmallows they have in there! My usual problem with the shakes are the lumps... then you feel like youve inhailed chalk and cant breathe but this was exactly the opposite! It mixed in SO well! Not to mention its a no-bloat whey, with no acid reflux after taste. I noticed a lot of people get that now a days so if you have that issue, this is for you! And yes it smells like lucky charms!

Now for the proyo! I have a lot of ways i make proyo but when im not using jello pudding mix i simply use 1 cup greek with 1 scoop whey. THIS WAS BOMB. like i said, the flavor and marshmallows are 100% spot on! It mixed so well and easy, and when i left it in the freezer for about a half hour... if was so fluffy! Another issue i have with some whey proteins is that they get runny when you mix them into greek yogurt... *cough* optimum *cough* so they need the jello mix but thats just my personal taste haha, in this case... this whey made the yogurt so creamy! So yes definitly ideal for proyo in my books!

Down to the ratings!

Mixability - 10/10

Macros - 10/10 - bomb macros too!

Smell - 10/10

Taste - 100000.2/10 - And yes... I will say it... Its magically delicious!

And one more time, Huge shout out to Primal Nutrition and the biggest thank you! Such a great store, they are desereve a check out!

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Aw sweet of you to wonder that! Read my story in my "My Story" tab up top! Let me sum it up... I'm just a 18 year old girl who recovered from anorexia and found her happiness... i'm building my happy with fittness, fashion and smiling. i lived my whole life waiting for it to end. Until i finally realized theres more to life than hating your self. Anorexia almost killed me on several occasions... But i also realized i am more than anorexia. There is more to life than waiting for death. Recovery opens eyes. I am stronger than before, happier, brighter, and my love for fitness came back.  

A lot of you requested I make a website so here you go! Thank you for all the support over the years. My recovery was successful not only based on my choosing and my familys help... but with all your love, thank you! 



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